Died in Bronx, Bronx, New York (daughter of John Piatak & Veronica Osifchin). Helen was born in Braddock, Pennsylvania. She returned to Maly Lipnik with her mother after her father's death in 1907. Married Michael Chanda of Maly Lipnik in 1924 at Sts. Cosmos & Damien Greek Catholic Church, Maly Lipnik.
1 Oct 1929 SS Majestic sailing from Southampton, England. Arrival Port of New York. Joining Aunt/Uncle Peter Lasky 120 Pearl St., New York City.
11 Oct 1939 SS Saturnia sailing from Trieste, Italy. Arrival Port of New York. Returning home to 437 Wyona St., Brooklyn, New York
In Memory of Helen Chanda