Members of Passaic Colonial Club and a few members of Passaic Comet Club taken in Colonial Clubroom in Monroe Street in Passaic on December 1, 1946. L-R Standing Jack Vovanda, Matty Sebiah, Peter Derkacs, Peter Memchahi, Willie Sherba, Joe Krenicky, Joe Kormider, George Stavchak, Mike Knapik, Emil Debcak, Joe Ksoch, Mike Knapik, Emil Dibcak, Joe Ksoch, Mike Potonek, Mike Shevin, N. Derkacs. L-R sitting Mike Povender, Ben Lublanechi, Ed Lensak, George Opirhory, Mike Magella, John Kremicky. L-R kneeling ?, John Babyak, Butch Osifchin
Courtesy of Susan Opirhory