Courtesy of Elaine Latzman Moon & Roztoky.sk
Transcribed by Steven M. Osifchin
Over time there have been varying names for the village:
1435 Roztoka, 1808 Rostoky, 1920 Rastoka, 1927 Roztoky; Hungarian: Rosztoka, Vegrosztoka; roztocky, Roztocan,-ka.
County and Region:
Saris County; district Svidnik, region Presov to 1960; district Bardejov, and from 1968 district Svidnik, Eastern Slovakia Region.
The names of the parts of surrounding areas:
Kuchtovce, Pustatina.
Population in years:
1869-342, 1880-437, 1890-398, 1900-443, 1910-414, 1921-421, 1930-489, 1940-528, 1948-246, 1961-312, 1970-391.
Village Size:
1124 HA is the size of the village. HA is short for Hektar. 1 Hektar is 2.471 acres
The center of the village is 374 meters above the sea level. Surrounding area is between 350-600 meters above the sea level. ROZTOKY is situated in the northern part of Lower Beskydy mountains in the valley of the creek flowing to Ondava river close to the border with Poland. The area is slightly uneven. Abundance of forests with beech, oak and spruce.
The village was named in 1435 but incorporated in 1573-1598. It belonged to the landlords of Makovica.
At the beginning of 18th century the inhabitants cultivated grains: oats, buckwheat and barley. They also breed animals. In 1787 it had 54 houses and 335 inhabitants, in 1828 it had 70 houses and 522 inhabitants. In 19th century Knight Kolbassa owned properties here. From the first half of 19 century many inhabitants emmigrated to other countries, mostly to USA and Canada. In 1944 during the WWII German army evacuated everybody against his or her will. The farmers co-op was established in 1958. Inhabitants no partly work in industry, mostly in Kosice
There is a Greek Catholic Church from 1848 with elements of late baroque style of architecture.
(Transcribed by Steven M. Osifchin)