Photo by, Andrej Belovežčík

Over time there have been varying names for the village:
1618 Biztra, 1786 Bisstra, 1808 Krajna Bystra.
County and Region:
Formerly Saris County, present day Svidnik District.
The population has been in a steady decline over the years:
1869-288, 1880-324, 1890-319, 1900-308, 1910-321, 1921-329, 1930-286, 1940-329, 1948-330, 1961-372, 1970-397. As of 2005 there were 335 inhabitants.
The village was established during the years 1573 to 1598. The village is first documented in 1618 as Biztra, and in 1786 as Bisstra. The village was part of the Hungarian Noble Family Batorhegy Estate. Village residents were employed in the manufacturing of roofing materials, herding cattle and forestry. In 1712 a majority of residents in Krajna Bystra were forced to leave the village for a short period of time. Prior to World War I many residents immigrated to the United States. During World War II the village was evacuated and burned down. Today, the residents of Krajna Bystra are employed in manufacturing firms in the towns of Kosice and Svidnik.
War Cemetery
The village has a cemetery from World War I. This cemetery is part of the village cemetery and is the older part of the cemetery which can be accessed by the church path. 29 graves are grouped. 24 of these graves contain two soldiers each. In four graves there are three soldiers interred in each grave. In one grave there are four soldiers interred. In the church yard cemetery, 34 Austro-Hungarian Imperial Army soldiers and 34 Russian Imperial Army soldiers are interred. Among these interments, the only known solider is the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Army Solider Alexander Linter. This war cemetery is fully maintained by the village today.
The Greek Catholic Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Greek Catholic Priests who served Krajna Bystra:
1726 - 1746 Stephen Sinica
1769 - ? Alexander Šalamon
1788 - 1788 Prokop Szimiasko
1792 - 1805 Simeon Jaković - before 1792
1806 - 1808 John Šalamon
1809 - 1827 John Kotrady
1828 - 1829 George Frost
1829 - 1834 Servác Smoligovič
1835 - 1835 Anton Zavacký ( * 1807) - excuz . of Budružalu
1836 - 1840 Rojkovič Alexander ( * 1812)
1840 - 1841 John Masník ( * 1809)
1841 - 1860 Michal Ladomerský
1860 - 1870 Karol Ladomerský
1870 - 1871 Michal Repák
1871 - 1873 Bartholomew Šaš
1873 - 1874 Anton Hvozdovič
1874 - 1889 Peter Fenďa (born in Ujak)
1889 - 1900 Michal Čisárik ( * 1839)
1900 - 1901 Emil Zsédenyi
1901 - 1920 Anton Rojkovič ( * 1872)
1920 - 1920 Alexej Bihary
1920 - 1923 Nicholas Kelly ( * 1885)
1923 - 1947 Theodore Pryšlak
1947 - 1951 Ján Valko
1968 - 1976 Joseph Orenič
1977 - 1977 Michal Majovský CSsR
1977 - 1980 Bohumil Čelůstka CSsR
1980 - 1985 Michal Drahňovský
1985 - 2004 Jaroslav Popovec
2004 - Present Martin Tkačin
Assistant Priest:
1926 - 1926 Cyril John Zakopal CSsR
The following photos of The Greek Catholic Church of St. Michael the Archangel and parish house
provided by, The Greek Catholic Archbishop of Presov
Exterior of the church


Icon Our Lady of the Sign from the Original Greek Catholic Church in Krajna Bystra

Parish house