Over time there have been varying names for the village:
1773 Felső-Orlich, Wissny Orlich, 1786 Felschő-Orlich, 1808 Felső-Orlik, Horní Orlík, 1863–1902 Felsőorlich, 1907–1913 Felsőodor, 1920 Vyšný Orlík, Vyšnyj Orlich, 1965– Vyšný Orlík.
County and Region:
Formerly Saris County, present day Svidnik District.
The population has been in a steady decline over the years:
1869-512, 1880-556, 1890-497, 1900-561, 1910-463, 1921, 1921-430, 1930-472, 1940-459, 1948-312, 1961-348, 1970-364. As of the year 2005 the village had a population of 413 inhabitants.
The village was founded in the 14th century. It was first mentioned in 1414. The village was part of the Makovica family estate. In 1787 the village had 76 houses and 534 inhabitants, 1828 96 houses and 710 inhabitants. The villages were employed in agriculture, forestry and cattle farming. From 1914 to 1915, there were battles in the area between the Austro-Hungarian Army and the Russian Imperial Army. The village lies in the low Beskid mountain area in the valley of Ondava. The forests contain tress of birch, beech and pine. During World War II partisans operated within the village region. The majority of Vsyny Orlik was destroyed at the end of World War II. In 1959 a communal farm (JRD) was begun, however, after 1966 a portion of the population relocated and became employed with manufacturing companies in Svidník, Kosice and Bardejov.
The Greek Catholic Church of the Accession of the Lord was established in 1793. Prior to this, Greek Catholic clergy served the faithful of Vyšný Orlík along with those residing in the village of Vol'a Jurkova. Today the Vyšný Orlík parish priest also services the needs of the Greek Catholic faithful in the village of Nižný Orlík.
An Orthodox Church was established in 1935. Prior to this time the only church in Vsyny Orlik was The Greek Catholic Church of the Accession of the Lord.
Greek Catholic Priests who served Vsyny Orlik:
1726 - Gregor Ferencovic
1738 - 1746 Lukas Spak
1749 - 1750 Peter Temesi
1750 - Peter Spak
1788 - 1801 Alexej Podhajecky
1801 - 1813 Jsn Podhajecky
1813 - 1829 Nestor Zacharias
1829 - 1830 Anton Jakovič
1831 - 1862 Elias Kovalicky
1862 - 1891 Anton Vislocky
1891 - 1892 Augustín Burik
1892 - 1895 Viktor Iľkovic
1897 - 1906 Jan Homicko
1907 - 1927 Jan Haľko
1928 - 1929 Andrej Gres
1930 - 1935 Andrej Jasencak
1935 - 1940 Gabriel Popovic
1941 - 1945 Dionyz Rokicky
1945 - 1946 Jan Franko
1946 - 1950 Stefan Stilicha
1968 - 1970 Vasiľ Dovhun
1970 - 1994 Marian Potas OSBM
1994 - 1999 Marek Pulscak
1999 - 2000 Peter Tkac
2000 - 2012 Martin Hornak
2012 to present Frantisek Sochovic
Church Photos
The following photos of The Greek Catholic Church of the Accession of the Lord and parish house
provided by, The Greek Catholic Archbishop of Presov
Exterior of the church from the rear


Former parish house

Priest blessing new memorial cross of The Greek Catholic Church of the Accession of the Lord

Parishioners and clergy in front of the new memorial cross of The Greek Catholic Church of the Accession of the Lord